Scream - by:LC915
Clap your hands everybody,
everybody clap your hands oh!
Clap your hands everybody,
everybody clap your hands oh!
Ok! Let鈥檚 go
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
霚卑鞖� 臧�鞀挫棎 頋愲ゴ電� 霑�
鞝堧寑搿� 攴鸽霊� 靾� 鞐嗢柎 雮�
斓滉碃鞚� 氍措寑鞐� 鞓るゴ旮� 鞝勳棎 雮�
霚卑鞗岇 臧�鞀挫棎 頋愲ゴ電� 霑�
雮� 毵堨潓鞐� 鞛愲Μ 鞛£碃 雮搓皜 昃戈碃 鞛堧姅 昕�
雮橂鞚� 瓴� 攴� 雸勱惮瓯� 霐半澕 頃橃 氇豁暊 攴戈矁
霐半澕 鞛№瀳電� 瓯� 雮� 瓴冹潉 牍检晽旮半姅 瓴�
Weak son! (real weak son baby!)
韺岆弰 旃橂摨 頋旊摛毽姅 靻�
氇憪 霌れ柎 頃橂姌鞙勲 靻�
Ok verse 2 coming soon!
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
Boyz 鞛犼箰 瓯瓣赴 氅堨栋氪�
freeze 雮橃潣 氍措寛 氚旊澕氪�
Stopping 氚旊澕電� 瓯� 鞐嗢柎
鞚岇晠鞐� 旆暣 雮� 氇胳潃 (popping! popping!)
You 斓滉碃鞚� 旮半秳鞙茧 berse to you
斓滉碃鞚� 旮半秳鞙茧 鞓Υ only you
氚旊澕電� 瓯� 鞐嗢柎 牍勴姼鞐� 鞝栰柎 ok let鈥檚 go
雮橂 鞚疙暣 鞚� 霃勳嫓電� shocking
氇摖 funky 頃� 靷瀸 雮� 氍措寑鞐� check in
雮橂ゼ 霐半澕 攴检嫭瓯膘爼 drop it like this hot
Hey! Everybody drop it like this hot!
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
Sweat 雼れ嫓 頋橂煬雮措Π 霑�瓿�
Chest 雼れ嫓 霚卑鞖� 臧�鞀搓臣
press 雮橂ゼ 霌る湪瓴� 頃� 旮半秳瓿�
氇憪 臧欖 鞎婌毵� everybody party up
Step to the rhythm 雭濍倶臧�電� 歆�旮�
鞎勳壗歆�毵� 鞛戩潃 氍措寑鞐� 鞓澕靹�
頌橃澊 霌れ毵� (easy does it)
氇豁晿電� 瓯� 鞐嗢柎 (give it a try)
To To the track -
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track
To the track, To the check in Track