Equal - Bendik Hofseth
In the middle of our lives I lost the right way led
Myself astray in a big city
No place that I could call my own I longed for
Peace and rest there was confusion in me
Then I saw a pension in Rue du Temple called
The House of Thoughts
I'm different from you
You're different from me
We have something in commmon
We should be equal
The woman in the reception welcomed me with a
Smile she said It's nice to see you here as our
We offer rest for your body offer peace for your
Soul then it's up to you to make them come
Together at their best
Your room has no number when you'd like your
Key just repeat these words
I'm different from you
You're different from me
So we have something in commmon
We should be equal equal
And so the House of Thoughts
Closed it's noble doors behind me
And here I'll spend some time some days
With oxygen and breathing-space
I'm different from you
You're different from me
So we have something in commmon
We should be equal
We should be equal