steeleye spanTam Lin歌词-查字典简谱网
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Tam Lin

steeleye span

  Tam Lin - Steeleye Span

  Oh I forbid you maidens all

  That wear gold in your hair

  To come or go by Carterhaugh

  For young Tam Lin is there

  If you go by Carterhaugh

  You must leave him a wad

  Either your rings or green mantle

  Or else your maidenhead

  She's away o'er gravel green

  And o'er the gravel brown

  She's away to Carterhaugh

  To flour herself a gown

  She had not pulled a rosy rose

  A rose but barely one

  When by came this brisk young man

  Says lady let alone

  How dare you pull my rose Madam

  How dare you break my tree

  How dare you come to Carter Hall

  Without the leave of me

  Well may I pull the rose she said

  Well may I break the tree

  For Carter Haugh it my father's

  I'll ask no leave of thee

  Oh in Carterhaugh in Carterhaugh

  Oh in Carterhaugh in Carterhaugh

  He's taken her by the milk-white hand

  And there he's laid her down

  And there he asked no leave of her

  As she lay on the ground

  Oh tell me tell me then she said

  Oh tell me who art thee

  My name it is Tam Lin he said

  And this is my story

  As it fell out upon a day

  A-hunting I did ride

  There came a wind out of the north

  And pulled me betide

  And drowsy drowsy as I was

  The sleep upon me fell

  The Queen of Fairies she was there

  And took me to herself

  Oh in Carterhaugh in Carterhaugh

  Oh in Carterhaugh in Carterhaugh

  At the end of every seven years

  They pay a tithe to Hell

  And I'm so fair and full of flesh

  I'm feared 'twill be myself

  Tonight it is good Hallowe'en

  The fairy court will ride

  And if you would your true love win

  At Miles Cross you must bide

  Oh in Carterhaugh in Carterhaugh

  Oh in Carterhaugh in Carterhaugh

  Oh in Carterhaugh in Carterhaugh

  Gloomy was the night

  And eerie was the way

  This lady in her green mantle

  To Miles Cross she did go

  With the holy water in her hand

  She cast the compass round

  At twelve o'clock the fairy court

  Came riding o'er the mound

  First came by the black steed

  And then came by the brown

  Then Tam Lin on the milk-white steed

  With a gold star in his crown

  She's pulled him down into her arms

  And let the bridle fall

  The Queen of Fairy she cried out

  Young Tam Lin is away

  They've shaped him in her arms

  Into an roaring snake

  She's held him fast and feared him not

  To be her lovely mate

  They've shaped him in her arms again

  Fire burning bold

  She's held him fast and feared him not

  Till he was iron cold

  They've shaped him in her arms

  To a wood black beast so wild

  She's held him fast and feared him not

  The father of her child

  They've shaped him in her arms at last

  Into a naked man

  She's wrapped him in the green mantle

  And knew that she had him won

  The Queen of Fairies she cried out

  Young Tam Lin is away

  Had I known had I known Tam Lin

  Long before long before you came from home

  Had I known I would have taken out your heart

  And put in a heart of stone

  Had I known had I known Tam Lin

  That a lady a lady would steal thee

  Had I known I would have taken out your eyes

  And put into a rowan tree

  Had I known had I known Tam Lin

  That I would lose that I would lose the day

  Had I known I would have paid my tithe to hell

  Before you'd been won away

