Well Thought Out Twinkles - Silversun Pickups
What was that scar situated from afar
what was that light integrated
in your mind
what have you done
it's too early for everyone
wait for that sign spilling over
and passed in time
come join in the last hurrah
with open sores and open jaw
find one last flaw and keep it safe
and free from harm
what have you done
it's too early for everyone
so smile go inside come to see
there is no sign
now here we are revisiting
a time a place a whole
industry well we
we promise we'll be leaving soon
we share apocalyptic views
how comforting that we feel it too
who are we to promise
we'll be leaving shortly
join come in the last hurrah
with open sores and open jaw
what was that light integrated in your mind
what have you done it's too early for everyone
wait for that sign spilling and over and over
and over and over over....