David - 秋天假期
I'm in love with my English teacher
but couldn't tell you mom
I know that's not why
you have paid him 16만원 for a month
His name is David came from the Britain
a little outside of London
David like in David Beckham
but he's more like Sheldon
Glad he's not the type
who is hitting on ladies at M2
He's reliable
his status is in relationship on 페북
Please don't worry
it's no extraordinary thing
Look around it happens
all the time in Seoul
If you get this song in English
you'll know I'm good at grammar
But for now all I can do is
just saying 사랑해 엄마
Please don't worry
it's no extraordinary thing
Look around it happens
all the time in Seoul
I'm in love with my English teacher
Still cannot tell you mom
But you always told me not to live
like you used to anyway
And for now all I can do is
just saying 사랑해 엄마