perry comoThe Story Of The First Christmas歌词-查字典简谱网
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The Story Of The First Christmas

perry como

  The Story Of The First Christmas - Perry Como

  This is Perry Como

  And I'd like to tell you the most wonderful the most beautiful

  The most exciting story in the whole world

  The story of the First Christmas

  Now suppose you make believe this is many many years ago

  A long time before you were born

  You're standing on a hillside near a little town in Palestine

  Do you see the man in the distance walking slowly leading a donkey

  His name is Joseph

  Someone is sitting on the back of the donkey

  And her name is Mary

  They've come a long long way

  And they're heading for a little town near the hillside

  On which we're standing

  Something very special will happen in this little town tonight

  For this is the little town of Bethlehem

  Oh little town of Bethlehem

  How still we see thee lie

  Above thy deep and dreamless sleep

  The silent stars go by

  Yet in thy dark streets shineth

  The everlasting light

  The hopes and fears of all the years

  Are met in thee tonight

  Let's follow Joseph and Mary into the town of Bethlehem

  It's getting dark and all of the rooms at the Inn are taken

  But the kindly Innkeeper tells them

  They could spend the night at a stable nearby

  Now I told you something was gonna happen and it did

  A baby boy is born to Mary and Joseph

  Whom they call Jesus

  They have no baby's crib so Mary puts little Jesus to sleep

  In the soft sweet hay of a manger

  Come come come to the manger

  Children sing and asleep on the hay

  Sing sing chorus of Angels

  Little Lord Jesus is born on this day

  Jesus is asleep in the manger

  So let's tiptoe out to the hillside near Bethlehem

  Where the Shepherds are tending their flock

  All at once the Shepherds are frightened

  You'd be frightened too

  Because a great light suddenly shines in the sky

  Even the animals are hushed and still

  But then you hear the voice of an Angel of the Lord

  And you're no longer frightened

  For the Angel brings good news

  News of a Saviour born this day

  News of Christ the Lord

  The First Noel the Angels did say

  Was to certain poor Shepherds

  In fields as they lay in fields where they

  Lay keeping their sheep

  On a cold winter's night that was so deep

  Noel Noel Noel Noel

  Born is the King of Israel

  Well we're still with the Shepherds

  On the hillside near Bethlehem

  We hear the Shepherds ask the Angel

  Where to find the Christ-child

  And the Angel tells them to go to the manger

  And as they leave the sky is filled with other Angels singing

  Glory to God and on Earth Peace Goodwill to Men

  The Shepherds hurry to the manger

  Fall on their knees before the baby

  And they worship him

  For he is Christ the Lord

  Oh come all ye faithful

  Joyful and triumphant

  Oh come ye oh come ye to Bethlehem

  Come and behold him

  Born the King of Angels

  Oh come let us adore him

  Oh come let us adore him

  Oh come let us adore him

  Christ the Lord

  And now look up into the sky

  Do you see that bright star twinkling in the heavens

  Far away three men are looking at that star just as we are

  They're riding on camels

  And they're using the star as a guide to lead them to the Christ-child

  Who are these three men who follow the star

  We Three Kings of Orient are

  Bearing gifts we traverse afar

  Field and fountain moor and mountain

  Following yonder star

  Yes the three men on the camels are the three wise men

  The new star guides them straight to Bethlehem

  To a little baby lying in a manger

  There the three wise men present gifts to the Christ-child

  The first Christmas gifts ever given to anyone

  A gift of gold of frankincense and of Mir

  And they too fall on their knees to worship him

  And now a great peace settles on the night

  For it is the holy night

  Silent night holy night

  All is calm all is bright

  'Round yon virgin mother and child

  Holy infant so tender and mild

  Sleep in heavenly peace

  Sleep in heavenly peace

  This is why when we celebrate Christmas

  We think of Bethlehem

  We think of the Virgin Mary

  We think of the three wise men

  And the birth of the Christ-child

  The First Christmas

  Oh come let us adore him

  Christ the Lord

上一篇:For Me And My Gal
