nofxGeneration Z歌词-查字典简谱网
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Generation Z


  Generation Z - NOFX

  I think that our kids will probably see

  The end of humanity as we know it

  Cause this world's about to blow it.

  Will they see what they saw in ancient Rome

  The destruction of the home.

  Will they see the end of civility

  Cause when morality's been blurred

  Procreation seems absurd

  And human rights and freedom are just words

  That have lost all their meaning

  In a world that is bleeding.

  Like an animal in slaughter

  I hope that my daughters never know

  What it feels like to give up

  To know the whole world is corrupt.

  To realize they are really on their own

  And there's no one left who cares

  About the future

  Infected cuts don't need a suture

  There's a feeling that the human race

  Has seen the checkered flag

  And the laps that are given

  Are the last ones ever driven.

  And everyone who's still living knows that

  It's a shame that the earth

  Will live on but can't give birth

  To a baby planet where we could start over again.

  We've been divided we've been bled

  Like a chicken without a head.

  Running frantically amuck

  Taking but not giving a fuck.

  History is just an alibi

  It's believing every lie

  Man has ever dared to write.

  It's so much easier to see

  That complex reality

  A lifetime full of misery and blight.

  So we tell our daughters and our sons

  That they're not the final ones

  To see this planet as a decent place to live

  We use our telescope

  To give them faith to give them hope

  Anything to help them cope

  With their future cause there's no alternative

  Kings and queens rule the land

  There's more and more lines drawn in the sand

  Pawns are crooks Castles are rooks

  It's too bad the good books

  Written for the sub-classes to introduce morality

  Had nothing to do with reality

  But then again who would have ever read them

  We read the par-Quran for lunch

  Eat old testaments for a snack

  And a little Lulla-bible before bed

  There's no more points of view when your only thought is food (It's sad I'm gonna see)

  The bible has been replaced with a survival guide (The end of history)

  That uses perishables instead of parables

  Because there's no stories left to preach

  (We don't wanna be)

  There's no life lessons is left to teach anyone why bother (The Generation Z)

  Who are we Are we the intellects or the insects

  We're not the ones who will ever know the answer (We don't wanna see)

  It's impossible for us to imagine what is right in front of us (A species you and me)

  I guess that's what makes us think we're human.

  But being human only lets us see a little farther than animals (The end of history)

  Feel depression from spending most of your life working (The Generation Z)

  Try chemicals! Chemicals make everything better (The end of history)

  Hate love morality. They're just chemical reactions. (The Generation Z)

  Are we just chemically imbalanced ants on chemically fueled rants (Generation Z Generation Z)

  It really just comes down to sex and power (Generation Z)

  I bet the last man standing the last human on this planet (Generation Z Generation Z)

  The last person on the earth doesn't give a shit (Generation Z)

  Or has any idea that he or most likely she is the last one (Generation Z Generation Z)

  The last person on this planet

  Will fuck the dead and die thinking not about why didn't anyone care

  But why her life was so unfair.

  It's time it needs to be said I'm sorry to be the one to inform you

  But man and woman kind has unfortunately been pronounced dead

上一篇:The Man I Killed
