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  Chill - Nelly St. Lunatics

  Yo what you tell a muh'fucker with two black eyes


  Nothin you done already told his punk-ass twice

  没什么事 你已经做完了 再次告诉这个笨蛋

  D E R R T Y (we back we back we back)

  D E R R T Y 我们回来了 回来了

  We all we got yo know I want y'all do

  我们要知道 我们要做什么

  Aiyyo stand at attention raise your right arm salute

  Aiyyo 立正 举起你的右手 敬礼

  Roll the carpet out watch all the Bloods "woot-woot"

  铺开地毯 望着鲜血流出

  Watch the Crips loc' it up we back we got our focus up

  看着那些东西都锁起来 我们回来了 焦点聚集到这里

  St Lunatics nigga know that know that

  St. Lunatics黑人都懂得

  Supreme team if we lose you open your minds

  最棒的团队 如果我们失去你不要在意

  Start readin some things we got it holla at us c'mon

  开始读一些东西 我们会懂得 加油

  Easy with that murder murder murder kill kill

  放轻松 谋杀然后死亡

  We did that back when I was born Bill Bill

  在我出生时我们就那样做了 Bill

  But I still do the knowledge let me give you the math

  但是我还在学习 我来教你数学

  I rock a 7-and-a-half for my 7-and-a-half


  I be with Moses and Kane & Abel puttin in work

  我和Moses Kane Abel一起工作

  I slap a nun beat the reverend up spit in his church

  我打了修女一巴掌 打倒了牧师 在他的教堂吐痰

  My Derrty niggaz come through we turn the heat up in June

  我的Derrty黑人渡过难关 我们让酷热的六月更加炙热

  We at the party mackin even throw a bitch in the room

  老兄 我们在派对上 甚至扔一个坏女人到屋里

  Ménage-à-trois Murph' is me and Law

  像一个三角家庭 Murphy Law和我

  Cause we the baddest muh'fuckers that you seen thus far so


  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  所以黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)

  你现在确实说话语无伦次了 现在

  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)

  你现在确实说话语无伦次了 现在

  Look learn listen check it

  看着 学着 听着 好好看看

  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


  Start your cars up trick your broads out

  竖起你的耳朵 调动你的一切知觉

  Pump your hard up homie now put your guard up

  保持动力 提高警惕

  You throw that one-two but look how I jab you

  你扔掉了那个东西 看着我怎样戳你

  No need you run in the derrty homie I had to

  你没必要跑 我很和蔼的

  You was doin a lot of talkin (yup) a lot of barkin

  你说了太多话 不 是咆哮太多

  But your bite was nothin guess you mighta been frontin

  但是你的乱咬没用 我猜你可能只是狐假虎威

  Yo ain't no mic to it City see right through it

  你不可能是老鼠 城市里能明白看透

  I was born to be the shit like I was Mike Hewitt

  我生来就如Mike Hewitt 像笨蛋一样

  Don't test me though homie I might do it

  不要测验我 我可能很和蔼

  Check my track record the feelin go right to it

  查一下我的行踪记录 凭直觉

  It was easy for me I was born to win

  这对我来说很简单 我生来即是赢家

  You was born to hate me you should be born again

  你生来就是为了恨我 你应该再投胎一次

  You with Mike and Kevin we with Law and them

  你和Mike Kevin一起 我们和Law还有他们一道

  You cop American cars we cop foreign 'em

  你逮捕美国的车 我们抓外国的

  Take a look at us derrty we put the star in them

  derrty 看看我们 我们把星星放了进去

  No slow stray bullets nigga we Brett Favre'n them

  黑人 不要让流弹减速 我们Brett Favre能承受

  You gots to chill and let your conscience be free

  你应该冷静下来 给你的良心自由

  Lil' boy obviously y'all ain't f**kin with Ky'

  Lil boy 很明显 你没有与Ky混到一起

  You see I stays real high but I be's low-key

  你看到我现在确实很兴奋 但是我很低调

  I'm so allergic to the line e'rybody know me

  我对最后那条线很敏感 这都知道

  You know what (What ) Why shouldn't y'all hate

  你知道吗 什么 你为什么不应该恨我

  Cause y'all so half decent we Frosted Flakes great

  因为你有一半是高尚的 如霜冻的雪花那样纯洁

  And these ain't came out yet I know y'all so late

  这些都还不明白 我认识你们太晚

  I smoke zips you pop 8's damn what a waste

  我吸烟 你喝汽水 该死 这是什么品位

  My lady is so happy yours masturbates

  我的女人如此开心 而你则是自我安慰

  You wash up in a sink nigga I bathe in a lake

  黑人 你刷洗干净浴盆 而我则在湖中洗澡

  The way y'all copy our style ASCAP should make y'all pay

  你要是模仿我们风格 ASCAP会让你付出代价

  But they don't so I'ma smoke a joint and get to the point

  但是他们不会这样 因此我在这里吸烟 切入正题

  The muh'f**kin point is keep my name out your mouth

  正题就是 你不能说出我的名字

  Unless you sayin how we repped the Lou since we came out

  除非你说我们出来后 是如何对待Lou的

  We've been winners since we came out yo' mouth keep my name out

  我们出来便是赢家 你不能说出我的名字

  You don't wanna see thirty cardinal birds with they thangs out

  你不想看到三十只红色小鸟 从他们的喉咙出来

  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)

  你现在确实说话语无伦次了 现在

  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)

  你现在确实说话语无伦次了 现在

  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


  Murphy Lee God-body (like) take shit from nobody (nope)

  Murphy Lee自己从别人那里一无所获 没有

  Nelly bought it for me so that's my Maserati (yup)

  Nelly买来送给我 所以那是我的玛莎拉蒂

  Y'all know about me I'm so far from sloppy (dirty)

  你们都了解我 我不仅仅是坦率 肮脏

  You not a female nigga so how can you top me

  你又不是一个女黑人 你怎么在我上面

  My style can't be copied people trust me (trust me)

  我的风格不能被模仿的 相信我

  Even though you look like me your flow musty (musty)

  即使你看起来像我 你已经落伍了

  That means you stinkin what you think's extinct

  也就是说你让人生厌 你太另类

  Been gone too long to even dig up the bones

  走得太远 而无法挖出骨头

  I'm on my new-new upgrade the kush from the doo-doo


  That's a big step but that's how niggaz from the Lou do

  这是一大步 但也是来自Lou的黑人的做法

  Last rap was too cool but this one is too damn hot

  上一次说唱太冷清 但这一次又太热辣

  You wack rappers think you hot when you not (this is why I'm hot)

  你的怪胎说唱歌手在你不火的时候认为你火 这就是为什么我很受欢迎

  All this I talk slick shit as if you really did shit

  我所说的这一切 就好像你确实做过一样

  Thinkin you deserve my spot well thurr it is then


  Gave niggaz time but now I'm back with a few of my friends

  给黑人一些时间 但是我现在带着我的朋友回来了

  Lunatics 'bout to do this again ohh


  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)

  你现在确实说话语无伦次了 现在

  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)

  你现在确实说话语无伦次了 现在

  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


  You should see their faces when I walk in the facility

  我走进刑罚工具里时 你应该看看他们的脸

  Mean mug what's the purpose of you ice-grillin me

  卑鄙的嘴脸 你们冰冷拷问我的目的是什么

  You're killin me but really B you ain't on my radar

  你正在杀掉我 但确实你不合我的胃口

  Always used the right amount of strokes that's why I stayed par

  总是运用准确数量 这就是为什么我保持我的标准

  I ain't no killer lil' silly nigga but they are

  我不会不是杀手 但他们也是

  You got the same ride as me but that's just my day car

  你得到了和我一样的车 但那只是我一天的代步车

  My décor might be Levi's and a A-R

  我的装饰 可能是Levi的和A-R

  15 G's in my pocket just to play cards


  So meet me in the casino way in the back

  那么就在娱乐场见我吧 回去的路上

  Me and her fleein the scene away in the 'Llac

  我和她在逃离 离开Llac

  She say she feelin her bean a green of a stack

  她说她感觉到了她的菜豆 一摞青色

  She say she like it obscene I'm way in the knack

  她说她喜欢肮脏的东西 我很有技巧

  In fact you niggaz ain't like me you salty (nah)

  事实上 你们黑人不像我 你们是咸的

  Me I'm like pepper cause I spice shit up

  我就像辣椒 因为我加了调料

  The Flavor Flav of the game cause I hype shit up

  情趣游戏开始 我很兴奋

  Might call my hundred watt niggaz in to light shit up


  You better chill


  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)

  你现在确实说话语无伦次了 现在

  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


  Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)

  黑人要冷静 冷静下来

  Watch your words (watch your words) don't let your mouth get ahead of ya

  注意你说的话 不要管不住你自己的嘴啊

  You really talkin wreckless right now (right now)


  And we know you ain't built for that (nope)


上一篇:Ride With Me
