jamila woodsWhite Privilege II(Feat. Jamila Woods)歌词-查字典简谱网
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White Privilege II(Feat. Jamila Woods)

jamila woods

  White Privilege II(Feat. Jamila Woods)-

  Jamila Woods&Ryan Lewis&Macklemore

  Pulled into the parking lot parked it

  Zipped up my parka joined

  the procession of marchers

  In my head like is this awkward

  Should I even be here marching

  Thinking if they can't how can I breathe

  Thinking that they chant what do I sing

  I want to take a stance cause we are not free

  And then I thought about it we are not we

  Am I in the outside looking in or

  am I in the inside looking out

  Is it my place to give my two cents

  Or should I stand on the side and shut my mouth

  No justice no peace okay I'm saying that

  They're chanting out black lives matter

  but I don't say it back

  Is it okay for me to say I don't know

  so I watch and stand

  In front of a line of police

  that look the same as me

  Only separated by a badge a baton a

  can of mace a mask

  A shield a gun with gloves and hands

  that gives an alibi

  In case somebody dies behind

  a bullet that flies out of the 9

  Takes another child's life on sight

  Blood in the streets no justice no peace

  No racist beliefs no rest 'til we're free

  There's blood in the streets no justice no peace

  No racist beliefs no rest 'til we're free

  Blood in the streets no justice no peace

  No racist beliefs no rest 'til we're free

  There's blood in the streets no justice no peace

  No racist beliefs no rest 'til we're free

  You've exploited and stolen the music the moment

  The magic the passion the fashion you toy with

  The culture was never yours to make better

  You're miley you're Elvis you're Iggy azalea

  Fake and so plastic you've heisted the magic

  You've taken the drums and the accent you rapped in

  You're branded hip-hop it's so fascist and backwards

  That grand master flashed go slap it you bastard

  All the money that you made

  All the watered down pop-bullshit

  version of the culture pal

  Go buy a big-ass lawn go with your big-ass house

  Get a big-ass fence keep people out

  It's all stubborn anyway can't you see that now

  There's no way for you to even that out

  You can join the march protest scream and shout

  Get on twitter hash tag and seem like you're down

  But they see through it all people believe you now

  You said publicly rest in peace mike brown

  You speak about equality but do you really mean it

  Are you marching for freedom or when it's convenient

  Want people to like you want to be accepted

  That's probably why you are out here protesting

  Don't think for a second you don't have incentive

  Is this about you well then what's your intention

  What's the intention what's the intention

  Psst I totally get it you're by yourself

  And the last thing you want to do is take a picture

  But seriously my little girl loves you

  She's always singing I'm gonna pop some tags

  I'm not kidding my oldest

  you even got him to go thrifting

  And one love oh my god that song brilliant

  Their aunt is gay when that song came out

  My son told his whole class he was actually proud

  That's so cool look what you're accomplishing

  Even the old mom like me

  likes it cause it's positive

  You're the only hip-hop

  that I let my kids listen to

  Cause you get it all

  that negative stuff it isn't cool


  Yeah like all the guns and the drugs

  The bitches and the hoes

  and the gangs and the thugs

  Even the protest outside so sad and so dumb

  If a cop pulls you over it's your fault if you run


  So they feel that the police are discriminating

  against the the black people


  Cause I'm white what no

  See more people nowadays are just pussies

  Like this is the generation

  to be offended by everything

  Black lives matter' thing is

  a reason to take arms up

  over perceived slights

  I'm not prejudiced I just

  99% of the time across this country

  the police are doing their job properly

  Damn a lot of opinions a lot

  of confusion a lot of resentment

  Some of us scared some of us defensive

  And most of us aren't even paying attention

  It seems like we're more concerned

  with being called racist

  Than we actually are with racism

  I've heard that silences are action

  and god knows that I've been passive

  What if I actually read

  a article actually had a dialogue

  Actually looked at myself actually got involved

  If I'm aware of my privilege and do nothing

  at all I don't know

  Hip-hop has always been political yes

  It's the reason why this music connects

  So what the fuck has happened to my voice

  If I stay silent when black people are dying

  Then I'm trying to be politically correct

  I can book a whole tour sell out the tickets

  Rap entrepreneur built his own business

  If I'm only in this for my own self

  Interest not the culture that gave me

  a voice to begin with

  Then this isn't authentic it is just a gimmick

  The DIY underdog so independent

  But the one thing the American dream

  fails to mention

  Is I was many steps ahead to begin with

  My skin matches the hero likeness the image

  America feels safe with my music in their systems

  And it's suited me perfect

  the role I've fulfilled it

  And if I'm the hero you know

  who gets cast as the villain

  White supremacy isn't just a white dude in Idaho

  White supremacy protects the privilege I hold

  White supremacy is the soil

  the foundation the cement

  And the flag that flies outside of my home

  White supremacy is our country's lineage

  designed for us to be Indifferent

  My success is the product of the same system

  That let off Darren Wilson guilty

  We want to dress like walk like

  talk like dance like yet

  We just stand by

  We take all we want from black culture

  But will we show up for black lives

  We want to dress like walk like talk like dance

  Like yet we just stand by

  We take all we want from black culture

  But will we show up for black lives

  Black lives matter to use an analogy is like if

  If there was a subdivision and a house was on fire

  The fire department wouldn't show up

  And start putting water on all the houses

  because all houses matter

  They would show up and they would turn

  their water on the house

  That was burning because that's the house

  that needs the help the most

  My generation's taken on the torch of

  a very age-old fight for black liberation

  But also liberation for everyone injustice

  anywhere is still injustice everywhere

  The best thing white people

  can do is talk to each other

  Having those very difficult

  very painful conversations

  with your parents

  With your family members

  I think one of the critical questions

  for white people in this society is

  What are you willing to risk

  What are you willing to sacrifice

  to create a more just society

  Your silence is a luxury hip-hop is not a luxury

  Your silence is a luxury hip-hop is not a luxury

  Your silence is a luxury hip-hop is not a luxury

  Your silence is a luxury hip-hop is not a luxury

  What I got for me it is for me

  What we made we

  What I got for me it is for me

  What we made we made to set us free

  What I got for me it is for me

  What we made we made to set us free

