jeremy campTalking (Live)歌词-查字典简谱网
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Talking (Live)

jeremy camp

  You know I have a

  We're in this place and I

  I much love Jesus though

  You know I've a

  There's a Scripture that I love because it

  It shows me how much God loves me in

  Spite of who I am and

  We were talking about it today

  We were doing a Bible study

  And we were talking about it

  It's in John -- and it says that God demonstrates

  His own love to us that while we were yet sinners

  Christ died for us

  So that means you guys

  He knows everything about you;

  He knows everything about me

  And He still loves us you know

  And He still gave everything for us

  And I think it's one of those things where God

  Lately in my heart

  I'm just like "Lord please I'm tired of myself

  I'm tired of so many times trying to build up

  The little kingdoms that I have here "

  And and it's been a conviction in my heart

  Because the thing is it's so easy

  Because we live here in this earth

  There's a Scripture that says

  Set your mind on things above

  Not on the things of this earth

  Why Because this is not our home

  And you see the thing is is that

  We are not here at all at all to build our kingdoms

  We are here solely for the purpose of

  Building the kingdom of God you guys

  That's it That's it

  And until we let go and release the things

  Of this world that that pull so often

  Man I just want to you see

  He's my King He's my King

  And as Him being my King

  And me being His servant

  Us being His servants

  I just want to truly say "Lord I want to do

  Whatever You want me to do

  Surrender my all unto You "

  Guys I I mentioned I look at what is going on

  And I was talking about it earlier and

  My heart like never before has been urgent

  Has been desperate for this generation

  You guys there is so many distractions that's going on

  And I know because I get caught up in that

  And it's funny -- we have so many things

  That keep us busy and I laugh because you know

  I have an iPhone and I love my iPhone

  You know and uh if there is ten

  Minutes of dead time

  I'm like "Let me see what the next app that

  I can maybe download you know

  And it's just like whenever we can or

  Somebody I can text for a second

  And those things aren't bad

  It's just that there's a lot of distractions

  Almost numbing us to the fact that we

  Are in desperate need

  In desperate need of a Savior

  Because we have filled ourselves up

  With so many things here in this earth

  There's a generation out there

  There are people out there that are hurting;

  That are broken

  You guys I just

  I was writing for this record and I said

  "God give me something that You want me to share

  I don't want it to be of myself at all "

  I was on my face and just weeping

  And God would just take back to

  The basics of our Christianity

  You see how often do we really go out

  And we go out and serve people

  Whether it be going to the hospital

  Or going wherever going to your next door

  Neighbor and saying "Can I mow your lawn

  Just for free I just want to serve you

  Why God loves you "

  I mean I'm making little examples here

  But the point is is that we're called to reach out

  Each and every one of us

  Matthew 5 says you are the light of the world

  Let your light shine among men that they

  May glorify your Father in heaven

  And you guys there's so many people that

  That maybe speak the truth too

  And this song is called "Louder Than Before"

  And we all know that actions speak

  Louder than words we know that

  When you're serving someone when you're

  Loving someone showing them Christ

  It speaks volumes

  There's those who speak truth but there's no love

  And no one wants to hear it

  And there's those that quote unquote love

  But they're afraid to offend someone

  So they won't speak the truth

  You guys the truth will set you free

  And you shall be free indeed

  You guys we have been given the gift of eternal life

  You see I want to encourage you

  But it begins with love

  1 Corinthians 13 what does it say

  It says "We can speak of the tongue of men

  And of angels but have not love it's a

  Resounding gong or a clanging symbol

  We can even remove mountains

  Do all these great things

  But if we have not love we're nothing

  If I'm on stage here tonight and

  I'm not on my face before the Lord

  I'm not loving you guys

  Shame on me

  God's been convicting me I've been on my face

  Just saying "Lord I don't want this to be about me at all"

  You guys read your Bibles read your Bibles

  This is not just our Christian duty

  This is the Word of God

  Hebrews 4 it says its living and its active

  I mean it's doing doing something in our hearts

  And I want to encourage you

  Before you want to see God do those things through you

  'Cause He's gonna use each and every one of you

  You don't have to be on stage here

  We can pour out to one another and

  Reach this nation and all these 18 000 plus people

  Here in this city in the surrounding areas

  And show the love of Jesus Christ

  And serve and speak the truth

  You guys things can happen

  Our moment is now We have one shot

  Surrender all surrender all

  Before He can work through You He has to work in You

  Fall more in love with Jesus

  So you can tell the world

  More and more about your Savior and

