The Wallflower - Etta James
Hey baby what do I have to do
To make you love me too
You've got to roll with me Henry alright baby
Roll with me Henry don't mean maybe
Roll with me Henry any old time
Roll with me Henry don't change my mind
Roll with me Henry alright
You better roll it while the rolling is on
Roll on roll on roll on
While the cats are balling
You better stop your stalling
It's intermission in a minute
So you better get with it
Roll with me Henry
You better roll it while the rolling is on
Roll on roll on roll on
Ooh ooh ooh ooh wee Henry you ain't moving me
You better feel that boogie beat
Get the lead out of your feet
Roll with me Henry roll with me Henry
Roll with me Henry roll with me Henry
Roll with me Henry
You better roll it while the rolling is on
Roll on roll on roll on roll on
Will I ain't teasing talk to me baby
You better stop your freezing all right mama
If you want romancing okay sugar
You better learn some dancing mmm hmm
Roll with me Henry all right
You better roll it while the rolling is on
Roll on roll on roll on
Roll with me Henry alright baby
Roll with me Henry
Roll with me Henry
Roll with me Henry
Roll with me Henry alright
You better roll it while the rolling is on
Roll with me Henry alright baby
Roll with me Henry alright baby
Mmm hmm
Roll with me Henry
Roll with me Henry alright